10 things I wish I had known 6 Months ago about Blogging and Earning Money Online ~ Make Money Fast - The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

10 things I wish I had known 6 Months ago about Blogging and Earning Money Online

This is the list of 10 things that I wish I had come across 6 or so months ago when I began this Blog! Note they are in no particular order, just a list of 10 helpful suggestions and/or links for a new Blogger. I have not included any affiliate links in this post so you can be assured its unbiased.

I have also not mentioned Google AdSense because I was already using this before I even started Blogging and most people are already familiar with it.

1./ Money4Blogs - I actually read about this on another site quite early on, however to save you time and get you started earning some money go and see these guys. Instant money for a 1 year link on your site.

2./ Google Analytics - Simply the best way I have found of tracking and analyzing the traffic that comes to your site. If you want to know more about Google Analytics fortunately for you I wrote an article on it a while back - Using Google Analytics to track and Analyze your Blogsite

3./ Google Alerts - Find out within minutes anytime anyone anywhere mentions anything about you or your blog. Also you may want to view my earlier article about this - Google Alerts - Another must for the Bloggers Toolkit

4./ Shoemoney - this guy is a legend, if you want to read about a guy that seems to pull money out of thin air start subscribing to the shoemans site.

5./ Digital Point Forums - I have only recently discovered these, however these forums are a gold mine of information for the aspiring money blogger, also a lot of information about SEO and general website info.

6./ Colorzilla - Although I am reasonably competent with html, php etc sometimes trying to find the color to blend in with your adverts easily can be a pain, especially when there are style sheets, divs etc This tool makes it so simple, just hover the mouse over the color and it tells you what it is! Its a firefox plug in, so you will need firefox to use this tool.

7./WordPress - Obvious to most, however when I set up one of my own hosted blogs a while ago believe or not I had not heard of WordPress, I wish I had because one of my sites is now stuck on B2Evolution and its gonna be a major to move it across. Just go straight to WordPress would be my recommendation.

8./MorgueFile - Great place to find royalty free images for your websites. This is a quote from the MorgueFile About Us page...

The morguefile contains photographs freely contributed by many artists to be used in creative projects by visitors to the site.
9./ITeamWork - This is an online project management system that allows you to set tasks and timelines for the various projects that you are involved in, you can also collaborate with other people for joint projects. Simple to use and a great way to keep track of all your ideas.

10./Ezine Articles - Ezine articles is useful in 2 ways that I have found, 1 way is you can submit your articles to the site and it will contain a link and information about you as the author. The other method and I probably wouldn't recommend this in all cases however you can reproduce other Authors articles as long as you don't change them - and you must include the references to the Author. I find this useful for some of my sites that are niche topic sites and I can supply relevant articles that I don't have to write myself. Again you need to be careful and keep the mix right with your own unique content, however I have found it to be useful to date.

Anyway there we have it 10 things that have taken me a lot of time and sweat to find - I hope you can make use of some of the items on this list, and maybe they can save you some time or help you make a few extra bucks somewhere along the way.

Top Five Referrers For February - Great sites that are worth a visit!
Kumiko's Cash Quest
Mike's Money Making Mission
Stratz's Blog
If Ya Want to Make Money
How to earn money online?

Curry Focus for Free Delicious Recipes


Anonymous said...

Hi there my fellow money maker,

I have recently moved my How To Earn Money Blogging blog to a new domain. I was hoping you can change the link in your blog to reflect this url: http://earn-money-blogging

I am still maintaining the old blog to feature blogspot optimization, templates and codings.

Thanks so much in advance and sorry to trouble you like this.

Warmest regards,
Daryl W.T. Lau

Anonymous said...

its done Daryl

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this uesful post, nice blog too :)

Do you make link exchange?

Best Regards,
Internet Business Promotion And Opportunities Blog

Denise H said...

Hi how to earn money from the money4blogs.com ?any link to the site ?

Anonymous said...

hi hannie, well that is the site however looks like it is not working at the moment - hopeully the site will be back up soon.


Anonymous said...

Hittail is pretty good also as far as information on your visitors.

Unknown said...

This is a great post, thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this great tips.

I admit I have known a few of these already, but didn't realize how important they are till you mentioned it.

I also am hoping to be one of the site to be helpful, send me email or sake my hand at htt://binh.name

Binh Nguyen

Anonymous said...

Well I knew about five of them, and you have yet again improved my knowledge. thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi. Thanks for such great info. I'm kinda new to blogging for about a month or so. Now I wish I could have known these a month ago hehe. Well thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

This was very helpful. I am going to start implementing some of these ideas immediately.

Anonymous said...

Take it as a good experiences. Experiences improves us.

Anonymous said...

Nice post! I've been blogging for about a year now, and I didn't know about Money4blogs, and believe me, I have done lots of research! So, thanks!

Designer Lingerie said...

Found these informations worthy as i am a newbie in this field. This post really helped me a lot. This is really very helpful post . Thanks a bunch for sharing these ideas with us. Keep blogging.