Why Blogspot Blogs Are Fantastic ~ Make Money Fast - The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Why Blogspot Blogs Are Fantastic

Its funny how you always hear that its bad to have a blogspot blog and you should get your own domain name and so on, however there is something that myself and fellow blogger Mike know and that is that blogspot blogs can really rock and here is why...

Google loves blogspot blogs
I have never had a site indexed faster than a blogger.com blog, as far as I am aware Google owns blogger.com so why wouldn't they treat the domain name as a trusted one and of course they are going to index it in a hurry - its owned by them! Heres an excerpt from the about page of blogger.com...

Now we're a small (but slightly bigger than before) team in Google focusing on helping people have their own voice on the web and organizing the world's information from the personal perspective. Which has pretty much always been our whole deal.

They seem to rank well for search terms..
Similar to the above I guess, of course google wants blogspot blogs to rank well.

Easy to set up
If you have an idea and want to test it out, why not set up a quick blogspot blog and test the waters.. thats what I did lol and here I am 13 months later....

One thing that amazes me when I log into companies like payperpost is that they love my domain name sirblogger.com and would much rather have me post on that and often they exclude blogspot blogs - well lets be honest they would be much better off getting a post on this site than my sirblogger.com site which struggles to rank well and does not get very good traffic.

You often hear people around the net talking about how easily you can lose your blog (if you don't own it ) and it can be shut down etc, however I think if you are sensible about what you post on your site(s) you should be ok. Also its probably a good idea to back up your content somehow, so worst case you can get all your content back up on your own site.

I haven't ever sat down and figured exactly how much I earn just from this site, as I now have loads of sites and they are all kind of jumbled up in my figures, however I know it would be over $100 a month.

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Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more Rob.

Anonymous said...

The Swiss_Mouse has been wanting to set up a "pay per post" blog.

Do you thing a blogspot blog would be best for this?

Anonymous said...

sorry mr mouse, no I don't think a blogspot blog is good at all for pay per post, most paid blogging sites don't like blogspot blogs - there loss however, they are not always informed decisions....

Anonymous said...

That's true, beside blogspot.com, google also favor it's other sub-sites. But beside blogspot, wordpress.com even works better in term of search result ranking.

By hey, that's because Wordpress.com doesn't allow Ad. Blogspot.com is one of the best but is very limited in revenue because of what rob stgeorge said.

So for the best income, still your own domain is the better choice because you have the most control over what you want to display... but for the price of hard-work promoting it.