Make Money Fast Ranks ~ Make Money Fast - The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Make Money Fast Ranks

If you head to and type in "Make Money Fast" with any luck this site will be sitting at around number 2. Now from what I can figure out it appears that MSN puts a lot of weight into the title tag, however with Google the title tag although important does not hold as much weight with their algorithm.

So don't think Google is the only one out there - they are the biggest but you are probably better off appearing on page 1 of MSN than page 12 of Google.

My site is appearing right underneath wikipedia and I am now getting daily visits from this very term being typed into MSN.

If you want to achieve this kind of result for your own blog (and your own words of course) you may want to take a look at our SEO articles.

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