Google Trends - Assisting in our PPC Campaigns ~ Make Money Fast - The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Google Trends - Assisting in our PPC Campaigns

I read this article on shoemoneys site Pay Per Click Targeting Tools - TFS Day 2 and it immediately got me thinking about how I could apply it to my own PPC experiment.

Firstly regarding that experiment I am struggling to get Click throughs - so far I have only had about 5 people click on the ads and none of them have brought anything. By highly targeting the geographical location via Google Trends I am going to try and improve the click through rate without spending a fortune.

By using this tool I found that one of the products that I was trying to sell specifically to the states is hardly searched for in the states at all - however is very popular in Scotland for instance. Armed with this new information I am going to tailor my campaign now specifically to Scotland and set myself up as an Amazon UK affiliate.

Amazon UK is exactly the same as Amazon US when it comes to setting up Astores so it was quite simple to simply set one up and change the region and link in my Google Adwords setup.

Its a constant process - try something - adjust - try again

Eventually for those that persevere success will come - well lets hope so anyway.

How to use Google Trends
Here is an example of how to use the Google Trends site to find a unique or popular market for your PPC campaign. Lets say we are looking at selling Star Wars DVD's we can head along to and find out what areas are hot on Star Wars DVD's. In this case it is Hungary! There are some other not so obvious results that can be farmed.

Armed with this information we can then find a more unique market where we can pay less for our campaign and get better results.

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