Make Money Fast - With Smorty ~ Make Money Fast - The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Make Money Fast - With Smorty

One of the paid post companies that I use on a regular basis however probably don't often talk about is Smorty. They have some great paying ops at times however the best thing that I like about Smorty is that if you reserve a post you have 3 days to write it.

When you are looking to make a living online and part of your revenue is coming from paid posts its important to have a range of choices that you can utilize. That way when one company may not have much in the way of work available you can simply log in to another and find some work.

Smorty didn't previously have much in the way of an affiliate program however they have recently released one which offers 5% ongoing commissions.

Sometimes it seems that out there in the blogosphere payperpost is the only major player however most of my income is infact generated from the smaller sites and I actually prefer to do that if I can. We have all seen what happens when we let one company monopolize something...

I guess when you come from a small country at the bottom of the world, its fun to support that little guys out there fighting for their place in the dog eat dog world of paid postings.

Anyway if you are looking for a paid post company that pays on time, has great ops and offers an ongoing affiliate program I can recommend Smorty, I have made several hundred dollars from working with them, and that is a fact.

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Amrit said...

Thanks for that tip. Just today I got my account on approved and I´ve already written my first review. You see, there are a lot of nice "PayPerPost" like websites out there and defnitely it´s a good idea to spread your income sources between those sites (it helps, especially if one site fails for some reason).

Best Regards,