Sometimes One Article Can Be Worth Its Weight In Gold ~ Make Money Fast - The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sometimes One Article Can Be Worth Its Weight In Gold

I have written hundreds of articles in the last year or so, however a few of them stand head and shoulders above the rest and attract great search traffic every day. These articles were not written just because I felt the need to write about the subject, I did keyword research on them and found that they were terms that were being searched for and had very little competition.

Having little or no competition means that by writing a unique article you are giving yourself every chance to rank highly for that keyword, and perhaps well into the future, unless of course you share all your secrets like me.... lol.

You can do a quick payperpost type article and maybe earn 10 dollars or even more sometimes however imagine an article that earned you 10 or 20 dollars a month, every single month ongoing for the foreseeable future... thats what a great article can do for you and those are the ones that I try to write.

Remember a couple of weeks ago we talked about how to work out how much each visitor made for your site... it was a simple matter of dividing the total contextual traffic driven income that your site created by the visitors and you could work out an earnings per visitor amount.

Let us say in my example I earn approximately 2 cents per visitor, quite a normal amount, meaning if you had 3000 visitors a month you would earn $60 dollars. Certainly achievable however you can adjust to your own scenario.

Now I have one article on my job search site that I wrote showing how to resign and obviously this is becoming a popular past time! (actually I just resigned myself a week or so ago). Now this article pulls in around 700 uniques a month which multiplied by .002 is $14 a month. However the beauty is the work is all done, it just keeps doing it and actually often even improves over time as the trust of your site grows.

I just checked my analytics and this how to resign article as served as an entrance page for me 769 times this month, thats around $15 earnings all because I created something original that people were looking for.

What do you think of the article is it that great? Or do you think work just sucks for a lot of people right now so a pre written resignation letter comes in handy!

The best thing about what I am telling you is start thinking to yourself... what if you had 100 such articles, or even just 10, how would that improve your earning potential?

If you want more great tips and money making methods why don't you subscribe and share the benefits of my experiences making money fast online. I don't offer unrealistic ideas or promises, just share what has worked for me in the process of earning thousands of dollars online in just over one year.

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Anonymous said...

Article marketing can certainly be a good long term traffic generator and, in turn, a money maker if you get it right, although that's not always easy :-)

(If you use a service like Associated Content, you can also secure yourself a small one off payment for each article they accept into their database, provided you are a US resident, which I appreciate you're not. Having said that, it's still worth submitting things to them even if you can't get paid.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Maurice, I know from my own point of view I prefer to post articles on my own site, that way I can pull 100% of the benefits from the traffic that they generate. Sometimes when I am working on new sites I do use the likes of ezinearticles to attempt to drive traffic my way however. Does anyone know how much associated content pay? is it worthwhile money?