Are you a Tortoise or a Hare? ~ Make Money Fast - The Million Dollar Experiment Down Under

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Are you a Tortoise or a Hare?

Since October 2006 when I started this blog I have consistently posted articles on it. At least 3 or 4 a week and have maintained this for 7 1/2 months. My traffic rise has been nowhere near as meteoric as some sites however it is the classic tale of the tortoise races the hare. I have seen a lot of sites come and go meanwhile I just keep pumping out the articles - trying new things and sharing them all with my readers. You may be interested to see what this consistency does for a blogs traffic so here's the graph since October 2006.

You will notice we are only 9 days into May yet already over half of Aprils traffic - so its going to be another good month. Looking at this graph and seeing the results over the previous months I can't really see it levelling out for a long time anyway because as you get more traffic more people link to you and there is more content for the search engines - plus you learn new and better techniques as time goes on.

The money gets better
Last month was the first month where the money earned was better than a bit of pocket money however I really had to work for it. If you missed it - April Summary of our Make Money Fast Million Dollar Experiment Down Under -266-00 US Dollars was created Online in April. This month it may be a struggle to beat that as I am again trying to get passive income on the increase and have not been hitting the sponsored posts even half as much this month. Its always interesting and exciting to think that by creating one great and unique article it can create an ongoing and passive income for many years to come.

Set achievable goals
About 2 or 3 months into this Blog I must admit I did hit the wall a few times and I was getting discouraged with the effort that was required to maintain the momentum however I dug in and kept it going. I have set small goals along the way like breaking into the top 100,000 of Technorati, then the top 50,000, then the top 20,000 now I am aiming for the top 10,000. Its stuff like this that keeps you going and gives you a great sense of satisfaction as each target is accomplished and you can move onto the next.

Learn from the Pros
Other bloggers are doing it and doing it very well - find gurus that you respect and can learn off and try and mimic their success. I'm talking about ProBlogger, Shoemoney and Yaro - these guys all share many of their secrets so you should be reading their articles everyday, listening to pod casts about SEO, traffic building and the do's and dont's of websites and Blogs. The key though is to not only read about them - do them!

Of course sleep may become a thing of the past, however you can even learn to need less of it..How to Become an Early Riser

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stratz said...

I am the turtle for sure. Though I was discouraged too but hitting 90 days old has helped me a little bit. But still trying to get out of the runt I am stuck in.. But of course my posts are as informative as your are. That is probably why.