We almost run into Problogger Darren Rowse!
I was reading George Mantys Blog today as I often do and I noticed that I was in distinguished company! Darren Rowse from Problogger must have just visited as well.You may think and why is Rob writing about this? Well living in little old NZ this is about as close to seeing a celebrity as I ever get!
I made sure I recorded a screenshot of the moment as you can see to the left. Darren's website is one of the best, and I subscribe to and read his articles everyday. As he is an Australian, plus a similar age to myself, it makes it all seem easy to relate to.
I am not sure who NZ's top earning Blogger is but I am sure at the current earnings from this site that its not me! (however given our small population it is conceivable that this site could be in the top 100 )
If you want to read a great story of how Darren became a problogger the story is here. Its certainly interesting and inspirational. After reading this you realize that even for Darren it has not been a get rich quick scheme, and Blogging is as much if not harder work than any job. Unless you are extremely motivated and have a great work ethic the chances are you will never make it.
Although I often have ideas about cutting down on my full time employment and investing more time in online endeavours, due to mortgage and other expense commitments this will remain a fantasy until earnings reach at least $1000 per month.
Look out tomorrow for our 110 day summary, we have been trying a few new things lately with a certain amount of success - remember our change of focus that we took on around a month ago, you can revisit the article here.